Our latest chef profile is Hayden Hall, chef at Sorrento Restaurant & Bar down at Abell Point Marina. If you haven’t had a pizza and cold beverage on the deck at Sorrento’s then you don’t know what you are missing out on.

They have an extensive menu that showcases Hayden’s talents. Along with live music and new menu that is sure to be a hit you would be crazy not to drop in for an hour or 6 this summer.
Underrated ingredient?
Scallops, I love scallops because they are so versatile but sadly you don’t see too many scallop dishes around the Whitsundays at the moment.
Dish when not cooking?
Pizza! I am an absolute pizza-holic and proud to admit it.
Has the life of chef been what you thought it would?
being a chef is a unique lifestyle and I think you have to be a special kind of person to fill those requirements. but absolutely, it hasn’t been easy but I kind of knew it wouldn’t be.
Own restaurant name and what would u cook?
Look, honestly I don’t have dreams of opening my own restaurant, in this day and age there is just to much risk involved and I’m quite happy helping someone run theirs instead.
Favorite place to eat in Whitsundays?
Mr bones for sure! Those guys are absolutely killing it down there.
If a movie was made about you who would they cast as you?
Bradley Cooper, he was the chef in burnt and that was an absolutely awesome film.
Best advice?
The six p’s: proper preparation prevents p*** poor performance
In 3 words describe WFS?
Quality, consistency, hard-working.
Worst injury you have seen in the kitchen?
I saw a lady de-glove 3 of her fingers under a stove hob, ouch!
Signature dish?
Seared scallops with pomegranate and coconut gel, pancetta and micro herbs.